This is the eBook of the printed book and may not include any media, website access codes, or print supplements that may come packaged with the bound book. Specifically designed for use in Clinical Chemistry courses in clinical laboratory technician/medical laboratory technician (CLT/MLT) and clinical laboratory science/medical technology (CLS/MT) education programs. A reader-friendly introduction that focuses on the essential analytes CLT/MLT and CLS/MT students will use in the lab Clinical Laboratory Chemistry is a part of Pearson’s Clinical Laboratory Science series of textbooks, which is designed to balance theory and application in an engaging and useful way. Highly readable, the book concentrates on clinically significant analyses students are likely to encounter in the lab. The combination of detailed technical information and real-life case studies helps learners envision themselves as members of the health care team, providing the laboratory services specific to chemistry that assist in patient care. The book’s fundamental approach and special features allow students to analyze and synthesize information, and better understand the ever-evolving nature of clinical chemistry. The Second Edition has been streamlined and updated to include four new chapters covering safety, pediatrics, geriatrics, and nutrition; real-life mini cases; new figures and photographs; updated sources and citations; and a complete teaching and learning package.Additional ISBNs: 0134413733, 9780134413730Clinical Laboratory Chemistry 2nd Edition is written by Robert Sunheimer; Linda Graves and published by Pearson. The Digital and eTextbook ISBNs for Clinical Laboratory Chemistry are 9780134413587, 013441358X and the print ISBNs are 9780134413327, 0134413326.
Clinical Laboratory Chemistry
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