This is the eBook of the printed book and may not include any media, website access codes, or print supplements that may come packaged with the bound book. Civil Litigation: Process and Procedures, Third Edition, is designed to help students build the skill sets needed to succeed as members of todays civil litigation teams. An Instructors Manual, PowerPoint lecture slides, and test bank are available for use with this text. Teaching and Learning Experience: The text clearly presents legal concepts, emphasizing the details of the litigation process, critical thinking, and hands-on exercises that develop practical law office skills. Supporting multimedia resources include 46 video case studies that illustrate each stage of the litigation process, showing the day-to-day activities of the litigation team preparing and trying a civil case in a real world setting.
Additional ISBNs: 9780133493863, 0133493865, 9780133579291, 0133579298
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